The Let's Play Archive

Fire Emblem: Awakening

by Tae

Part 785: Laurent B

Yarne? We need to speak.

Well, that doesn't sound foreboding at all...

Halfway through the last battle, you elected to disregard orders and flee.

I, er... I can see how it would look that way, but there was a really good reason for--

I have not interest in your excuse. Are you aware that your actions bear repercussions for the rest of us?

Sure, but I, uh... I twisted my septum! I'd have only gotten in the way.

You sprained your nose? ...Really?


Chrom gave you orders with the expectation you would carry them out. He trusted you. Are you content to blithely betray others' faith in you?


I fear I've passed disappointment and find myself between astonishment and disgust.

Hey, who do you think you are to judge me, anyway?! You're not Chrom, so don't go speaking for him! You make it sound like you know best for everybody, but you don't know a thing!


And you definitely don't know what it's like to be me! Sure, I'm not the bravest guy around, but did you ever stop to wonder why that is? If I go charging out into combat and make one mistake, an entire race goes extinct! I hold back because I have to, all right?! So stop presuming and just back off!

There we are. Excellent.

...What's excellent?

I hypothesized there was fire in you, so I stoked it. You've proven me correct. If you nurture that fire and preserve it, you need never lack for courage in battle.


Your enemy isn't cowardice so much as inertia. Your legitimate drive for self-preservation has become a habit. An obstacle.

Wait, so all that stuff you said... You were trying to make me mad?

A regrettable necessity. But I think the results speak for themselves. You aren't wrong to approach battle with trepidation, of course. The risks are real. But given your fire and connate combat prowess as a taguel, you will manage.

You make it sound so simple. But war isn't so cut and dryin--

I'm afraid it's time we joined the others. Battle calls! Fight bravely, Yarne. I have utmost faith in you.

Maybe I'll... Hey, Laurent, why are you grabbing my--Ow! Quit tugging! My race needs that arm!